Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cyndi Freiman's Third Art Catalogue

In this series of works, I am investigating various forms of handwriting.
I have used writing as an experiential process all my life. This includes writing a journal for over forty years, maintaining an active correspondence with family and friends and handwriting manuscripts that were later published.
I am also interested in cross- cultural writing including ancient writings, hieroglyphics, Asian calligraphy, graffiti, illustrated manuscripts and graphology.

I believe that with the advent of e-mail, texting and computers, handwriting may become an extinct practice. Much will be lost if this occurs. My work is a means of creating awareness of the unique qualities of handwriting, as well as celebrating the beauty of the hand-made mark and exploring its connection to the image. I will investigate the aesthetic qualities of the written mark in all its manifestations.

In my research I am continuing the journey initiated by artists such as the Surrealists, Alechinsky, Cy Twombly, Hannah Darboven, Colin McCahon and Vivienne Koorland. I am using my work to draw attention to the transformative qualities of handwriting. By using handwriting in a number of different art forms I am inviting viewers to engage with this special phenomenon, which has nurtured our civilisation for centuries and could disappear.